Who Died?
A funny part about life is at some point it's gotta end. Everybody is going to die. You, me, your dog, even your favorite celebrity will all see death at one point or another. This is just a fact of life. We can't shake death.
This is really something I think we all know, but many of us choose to ignore. We don't like thinking about this life that we know ending. It quite honestly freaks the vast majority of people out.
Yes, Grim Reaper may one day come knocking at your door, but death doesn't always have to be a scary thing. Death can actually be good. Even enjoyable!
Wait... What?!
Let me explain...
Galations 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
This one particular verse that is especially special to me. When first getting to know my wife she often proclaimed this as her favorite verse. Since then I have always found myself coming back to it.
I have found that death must also take place in ourselves every single day. We have to die to our sin. Our pride, our selfishness, our greed and so on and so forth. Have had to tackle these in my own life. Some as recently as yesterday.
It is a daily battle we must fight in order to satisfy a rightfully jealous God. He is so good and so deserving of our best.